Local Search Basics

Wanted to bring your attention to a few articles that I have had sitting on my stack of stuff.

The Ten Commandments of Online Marketing for Small & Local Businesses by David Mihm is a great piece on what small business need to do with their website.

Some of what he covers is:

research keywords
create good content
build website simply
link freely
list contact info on all pages…head over to his article for the rest.

Another good overview is Local search Optimization 101: get Found by Ian Lurie. I have been referring to his web site quite bit recently-excellent site of information. This is a nice step by step post on how to get started in the major local search engines.

As always, if you have any questions about get listed, please zip me an email!

About Larry

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  1. Nice… David’s is a great post and I hadn’t read the one by Ian Lurie before thanks for the heads up… another good one I read recently was by Danny Dover at SeoMoz

  2. Great resourceful articles – we particularly like the one by Mr. Lurie. Thanks!