I think the biggest issue facing small business owners, who are not very Internet savy, is what Internet marketing is all about. Educating my clients and potential clients is done on a daily basis. I do not mind explaining things to folks but it can be frustrating. Unrealistic expectations is the #1 problem I have seen with folks. So many folks thinks that once you build a web site, you are done and “they will come”
I came across two articles that I think address this issue really well. In Marketing, There Are No Guarantees by Ian Lurie of Conversation Marketing, is nice post that is short and sweet and to the point. “In this business, anyone who guarantees results is sneaky at best. There’s fine print somewhere. A Internet marketer can no more guarantee the results of a campaign than predict the weather.”
Small business owners need to understand this. A good Internet marketer will explain what he will do and how but really won’t (shouldn’t) promise the world since things change so much with the search engines.
The other component small business owners have “issues with” are the costs involved. My associate Andrew Shotland, has put together a nice piece on The True Cost of SEO. Andrew lists some of the things to keep in mind when hiring an SEO person.
Andrew hits the nail on the head:
“While SEO can provide an amazing ROI, there still are costs associated with it and they can add up….Even if they don’t know exactly what they are going to recommend, a good SEO consultant, like a good hair stylist, should have an idea of where they are going before they start.”
Take a few minutes to review these articles.
When it comes to business,whether it is big or small we need to have some sense of business logic to read the pulse of the audience and this will help us a in getting our strategies right.