It has been a while since I posted here…has been a crazy January. Have been thinking of two things recently.
Why do I ( and a lot of others) do online local search? One of the main reason that I could come up with is “laziness”. I want to use the path of least resistance. With having my computer on all day, it just makes sense…it is so easy.
Here are a few other thoughts on why I local search:
- If I need a phone number and I do want to get up from my desk
- It is easier to type than turn pages
- I want know about the business but am in no mood to talk to anyone
- I am curious what their website looks like
- Curious if something is in stock (this is definitely faster than trying to call the shop)
- Can easily multi-task while searching locally online
Ok small business, are you taking notes?. You need to make it easy for “lazy” folks like me to find your business online. Put your information out there.
The second comment today is how does local search compare or work in small town USA vs the large town/city USA?
Living in Augusta Ga, a small market, local search definitely is different here than local search in say Boston or Chicago. Right now local search is definitely a necessity in the bigger cities where things are spread out more and there is a lot of competition within each field.
In the smaller market, local search has not reached the same level of importance as in the larger cities simply because the market is smaller, less competition, less area to cover, less Internet penetration.
Local search is still important in the smaller markets but what I tell folks also is that you are working toward the future. When I first moved from New York to South Carolina, I was amazed at how long it used to take for a new movie to open up down here. Does not really do that much anymore but the point is, the movie did eventually open up down here, just took some time. Local search is the same way, just might take some more time.
What do you think?
PS: Recently Matt McGee posted: Pros & Cons: Big City Blogging vs. Small Town Blogging thought this was a nice post comparing the different markets.
Hi Larry. I think Local Search is also quite important for smaller locations. Perhaps they don’t cater so much to locals, being that in a smaller town most people know where they’re going and where to find what. Locals in small towns tend to be regulars.
However, I think small town businesses should have their eyes on local search, because it should help them with the non-locals. Not only those moving in, but also those passing by. People that aren’t familiar with these local businesses. People who may not become regular clientes, but clients nonetheless. Local search would help facilitate information to travelers. Moreover, a lot of businesses en smaller towns, might be able to attract clients by proximity to larger towns.
Thanks for stopping by Marina. You are 100% correct-about small town businesses should have their eyes on local search for non-locals. Bed & breakfasts, hotels, restaurants, real estate, tourist locations etc can all benefit from local search.