Predictionmania 2011

As we begin a new year, predictions on every and any subject are very common. Over the last few weeks, there have been a lot of predictions posted on various online marketing areas.  I have been keeping a list of the ones that I thought relevant.  Since there are so many, I have not been able to read them all. Have you?

Just found this huge article from Matt McGee: The Big List: 168 Marketing Trends, Predictions & Resolutions For 2011 so if you have the time, there are ton of articles for you!  LOL

No one can really say what is going to happen. We can look at trends and concepts that have been introduced but in the end, no one really knows. Following the trends from 2010 and where were are today (Jan 2011), here is what I see continuing to grow:

  1. Local search, no I am not bias, the facts speak for themselves
  2. Mobile, iPhone to Verizon? Android based phones share of market growing…this will only get bigger
  3. Social, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquares etc. These are all services or area that small business need to find a way to tap into.

Here are some articles I liked:

5 Predictions for Mobile in 2011

5 Social Marketing Predictions For 2011

2011: The Year of Facebook

Ten Search Marketing Hot Spots To Watch In 2011

What Is Ahead For Online Marketers In 2011: Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization- number of SEO  guys giving 2 cents.

What about local search predictions? That is for another post….

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