Well tomorrow, baseball season begins. I am a lifelong baseball fan. I have been amazed how I can remember team lineups, batting averages, etc from years gone by but I can’t remember what we had for dinner yesterday. LOL
For the past 3 seasons, I have run a fantasy baseball league for fellow web marketers. It has been a lot of fun and a neat way to follow our national past time. Since we are starting tomorrow, I wanted to introduce this years managers:
Team Name, Manager, Twitter Name
Boston Hard Heads, Ben Saren, @bsaren
Canseco Link Juice, Gib Olander, @golander59
Dial9 4LongDistance, Steven Meyers, @steviemeyers
Metropolitans, Larry Sullivan, @l_sullivan
Moustache Rides, Bobby Leland, @bleland
Pilgrims, Tim Dineen, @TimDineen
Rankers, Matt Crouch, @theMattCrouch
The Ripper’s, Todd Salerno, @tsalerno28079
Thanks guys and good luck!