Word of my death is greatly exaggerated. LOL Yes I am still here. Yes it has been quiet online but not offline. I have a ton of great articles to share with you and links to super reading which I need to share and I plan to get to them asap. I thought I would take a minute and let you know what is up.
As a small business myself, I am dealing with the current economic situation as best I can. It is pretty tough right now for small businesses in many parts of the US.
“I am holding off right now”
“We are downsizing”
“We are no longer keeping our website”
“Let”s hold off for a while”
I have been hearing these and many other statements for months and clients locally have been dropping like flies. This is good and bad. I have gotten rid of some “more difficult” clients but finding news ones has been a challenge.
Online marketing is still important and should not be overlooked. Many small business (that I have worked with) are cutting back because they do not feel Local Internet Marketing is worth worth the investment or they have not seen the returns yet. Local online marketing can be very beneficial but one has to evaluate the current market where you are at and create realistic goals for your area. To succeed, you need to specialize or customize to fit your needs.
Despite the tough times, my recommendation to small business is still the same. Get online, even partially and stay there. The economy has to get better some day and when it does you want to be there! So if anyone needs local online marketing assistance, let me know, I got time. 🙂 LOL Hope everyone has a great day