DIY (Do It Yourself) Local Search

DIY (do it yourself) local search is a topic that has been covered before by many different sites and authors. It is one that I get asked a lot from small business owners. Everyone wants to try to do things themselves to save a buck. That is fine; I am definitely into saving  a buck or two, but one question I have is, “Is it worth your time and effort to do online marketing yourself?”

I have decided to put together a number of posts on this subject, as it has been on my mind for a while. Online DIY can be a great thing – you learn a lot of stuff, save money, and have an increased sense of ownership of in your website and marketing plan.  The negatives about online DIY are the time and energy spent simply learning the material, (the learning curve), having todo the updates yourself, and not having anyone to help you out along the way. 

In addition to the question above, I have another one: “Is DIY local search or Internet marketing  realistic for the small business owner?”

What do you think about these questions? What is my two cents? I say that “yes”  to both, but….I think small business owners can learn and do SOME local search marketing themselves but I do not think it is realistic that EVERYONE can do it alone.

I know a number of small business owners that have taken charge of their online marketing and are doing well.  It has not been easy for them and has taken years to get where they are today.

As I stated above there are a number of things small business owners can do to help out their cause online but with the search engines constantly changing and updating themselves even those involved with search marketing can have a hard time keeping up.

Ok, so you want to try your hand at doing some online local search marketing? Where do you begin?  What is important in local search? If you have the time, head over to David Mihm’s world famous Local Search Ranking Factors posting on his site. The 2010 version, has just come out.  For the last few years, he has asked a number of search marketers their thoughts and experiences in the local online market and has summarized the results.  It is a very well done and through review, so see what the experts (and yours truly LOL)  think is important in local search rankings.

Once you have read that, then I will have some more goodies for you. 🙂

About Larry

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