Small Business On-line Visibility

Increase The Visibility of Your Small Business Web Site on a Shoestring Budget is by Dave Wallace and is a good article for those who want to do things themselves. Has a nice list of inexpensive resources.  Dave concludes his article:

“Keep in mind that as your business grows, you will probably want to increase your budget to advertise in productive ways so as to keep the momentum going. I don’t recommend operating on a shoestring budget forever but sometimes that is necessary to get things rolling along.”

I agree, this is one of the mistakes many small business make- they do not increase their advertising budget as needed. The old saying goes “It takes money to make money.”

The Power of Branding for Small Business Part 1, is an excellent article by Stoney deGeyter. The term branding is a common one when speaking of marketing any size business.  If you are not sure that means or you think you are too small a business to brand, read this article.

“Branding isn’t just for big companies any more. With the internet and search, it’s become easier and cheaper to for companies to brand their names in front of their target audience. “

About Larry

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Small Business News 10/10/2012

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