Small Business News 10/31/2012

Email marketing is a widely used tool among all types of businesses, but these campaigns can only garner results if they appeal to consumers and don’t contain critical errors. Now, companies have options to help ensure their customers don’t receive emails littered with errors and sub-par content…

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Weekend Favs October Twenty Seven


My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.
Restored DC3 sits atop The Roasterie Coffee Plant
I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from Flickr or one that I took out there on the road…

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Google Analytics just keeps getting better and better as far as I’m concerned and marketers that use this free tool need to get better and better at understanding what it can tell you.
On a side note, anytime Google improves a free tool they are probably getting ready to offer a paid version. Quite frankly the tool is worth paying for if you take advantage of the many ways to slice and dice your data…

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Pay-per-click advertising (PPC), when used correctly, is a very powerful way to drive traffic and conversions.
photo credit: alles-schlumpf via photopin cc
The used correctly part includes effective targeting and testing, writing compelling ads, creating compelling offers and managing the bid and budget process in the most cost effective manner…

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After you decide to incorporate your business and choose a business structure, you need to decide which state to incorporate your business in. This means that, as part of the process of forming a legal entity for your business, you need to choose a state to incorporate in and which to make your filing in…

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About Larry

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Small Business News 10/03/2012

Small business articles from around the net.