Local Twitter Tools and Sites

With all of this talk about Twitter, what are some the sites or tools you can use for Twitter, specifically local related tweets?  (the descriptions come from the respective websites)

TwitterHawk “TwitterHawk is a real time targeted marketing engine that will find people talking on twitter now by your chosen topic and location, allowing you to really hit your target mid conversation with ease.

Twellow “The Twitter Yellow Pages”

TwitterLocal “AIR Client allows you to watch as many location-based Twitter feeds as you want”

LocalTweeps “By mapping twitter profiles and content to geography, Localtweeps encourages local connections and local information sharing. We’ll help you find local tweeps, get found locally and share geographic trends on Twitter.”

NearbyTweets “a geography centric social tool for networking and a business tool for building customer relationships and monitoring realtime buzz. With Nearby Tweets sophisticated geographic layer on top of Twitter people and businesses will find Twitter more relevant, manageable, and fun!”

WeFollow “User Powered Twitter Directory”

ChirpCity “latest tweets in your city and top user list”

CityTweets “twits new, near you!”

LoadedWeb” We focus on geo-centric directories: blogs, businesses, and Twitter.

Tweepz “Tweepz is a search engine which helps you find and discover interesting people on twitter”

Are there any that I missed that you use? Let me know.

About Larry

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