Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow…

Hope everyone had a good weekend. This was one of those “cleaning” weekend- in the yard and on the computer. I decided to tackle cleaning out some of electronic clutter.  I had to chuckle. I found a ton of emails and articles I had saved from a few years back, all regarding local search.

How times have changed!

It is amazing to see how much changed, disappeared, appeared, you name it, in the last couple of years in this area of local search. This is why I have decided to focus most of my time and energy into local search-it is simply exciting to see all of these happenings and then what tomorrow holds.

After a few minutes, I had deleted a ton of stuff, simply because there is no looking back. It is good to see where we have been but so much is going on NOW, it is hard to keep up with it all.

Yes there are exciting times but I know for the small business owner, there is a lot to take in and absorb.  So far I have not found one great source of information on local search. There is no definite ebook or web site that covers it all.  For the do-it-yourself small business owner, my recommendation is read-my blog 🙂 and  those on my blogroll. Take notes, practice, and every once in a while, step back, review what you got and then get rid of the electronic clutter! Repeat as necessary.

About Larry

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