Social Sales

Jeremiah Owyang, Web Strategist posted a very informative piece on Corporate Media Strategy. Now if you run a small business, you probably will not have to deal with all that he discusses but one section I thought was relevant to us here: “Use Social Media as Sales Tools. “

He mentions that  a blog can be used as

  1. Dynamic white paper
  2. A rapid response tool.
  3. A Conversation Starter (creating a dialog between sales and potential customers)

Interacting with your potential and current customers is critical. You want to maintain a good relationship with these folks.  Now, you do not have to always ask how their dog is doing but I taking a few moments to answer a question or provide some advice will go a long way. I know for me, I would rather work with someone who seems to have a genuine interest in helping me out rather than making a buck.

About Larry

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